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TOEFL ITP Exam Schedule

TOEFL ITP Exam Structure
Total Questions: 140
Maximum Score: 677
Listening Section: 35 minutes, 50 questions
Structure Section: 25 minutes, 40 questions
Reading Section: 55 minutes, 50 questions
Examination application fee rate
- Chiang Mai University Demonstration School students / Chiang Mai University students / Chiang Mai University staff: 1,500 Baht
- Students from other institutions / General public: 1,600 Baht
Required application documents
- National ID Card / Passport
- Student ID Card / School ID Card / Student Enrollment Certification
- Employee ID Card / Employment Certification
- Proof of payment
How to apply for the test
Register via the website or click the link on the Facebook page, fill out personal information, and attach identity verification documents according to registration status, along with proof of payment.
Verification of exam eligibility approval
- Check on the exam registration website by entering your login credentials, using your email and phone number.
- Select Search Exam History
In case
- If the system shows “Registration Completed,” it means your registration for the exam is complete. This status should appear no later than 3 days before the exam list announcement.
- If the system shows “Waiting for payment,” it means your registration is incomplete due to pending payment. Please contact the TOEFL ITP team at toeflitp.licmu@gmail.com before the exam list announcement date. (Otherwise, you will lose your eligibility to take the exam for that session.)
Exam Date Change Procedure
Notify your request via email or contact the Public Relations Office by the exam registration deadline, before 5:00 PM. There is a fee of 200 Baht per change, and each candidate is allowed to change the date 1 only.
Required documents
- Registration history on the website
- Details of the new exam date
Checking of exam roster and room assignments
can be done on the Language Institute’s Facebook page and website
up to 5 days before the exam.
Dress Code

Candidate Conduct
- Arrive at the exam venue at least 30 minutes p rior to the scheduled time.
- Bring your own eraser (without a case) and 2B pencils.
- Prepare your student ID card or national ID card to present to the exam supervisor.
- Dress appropriately.
Changing exam candidate's Name Procedure
Notify your request via email or contact the Public Relations Office by the exam registration deadline, before 5:00 PM. There is a fee of 200 Baht per change, and each candidate is allowed to change their name 1 only.
Required documents
- Registration history on the website of the original examinee
- Copy of both sides of the ID card of the original examinee, with a certified transfer authorization. This should include transferring examination rights from the original examinee to the new examinee, dated on the exam day.
Preparation on exam day
Test takers report to the test location at least 20 minutes before the test time – show student ID. (Only in educational institutions) ID card or passport Only the real one To be allowed to take the exam – bring stationery, a 2B black pencil and an eraser for use in the exam – communication tools are not allowed. Including other items into the examination room
TOEFL ITP test results
Results will be announced 7 business days after the exam. You can receive them in 2 ways
- Pick them up in person at the Public Relations Office yourself or authorize someone else to pick them up, notifying them of the exam day with your name, surname, seat number, or exam ID.
- Receive them via email in PDF format and through EMS for a fee of 50 Baht per person per occasion. Notify them of the exam day with your name, surname, seat number, or exam ID, address, and postal code.
- Exam scores are valid for 2 years from the exam date.
- Requesting a score reprint costs 700 Baht and is available within 7 business days.
TOEFL ITP test results
Score Reprint Request Fee: 700 Baht, available within 7 business days.
Frequently Asked
If there are question you want to sak.
We will answer all your question.
The TOEFL ITP test includes three sections:
- Listening Comprehension: Measures the ability to
understand spoken English. - Structure and Written Expression: Assesses understanding
of standard written English. - Reading Comprehension: Evaluates the ability to read
and understand academic texts.
The TOEFL ITP test includes three sections:
- Listening Comprehension: Measures the ability to
understand spoken English. - Structure and Written Expression: Assesses understanding
of standard written English. - Reading Comprehension: Evaluates the ability to read
and understand academic texts.
The TOEFL ITP test includes three sections:
- Listening Comprehension: Measures the ability to
understand spoken English. - Structure and Written Expression: Assesses understanding
of standard written English. - Reading Comprehension: Evaluates the ability to read
and understand academic texts.
The TOEFL ITP test includes three sections:
- Listening Comprehension: Measures the ability to
understand spoken English. - Structure and Written Expression: Assesses understanding
of standard written English. - Reading Comprehension: Evaluates the ability to read
and understand academic texts.
The TOEFL ITP test includes three sections:
- Listening Comprehension: Measures the ability to
understand spoken English. - Structure and Written Expression: Assesses understanding
of standard written English. - Reading Comprehension: Evaluates the ability to read
and understand academic texts.